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Manage Stress and Have a Healthy Sex Life

  Hey there. 🙂 Do you often wonder if sex and stress are friends or foes? At first glance, the answer might seem simple – stress kills desire. But I can tell you it’s a little more complicated than that. And even if stress does kick your libido to the curb, there are many ways to manage stress and have a healthy sex life while keeping your connection strong within your relationship.  Sex and Stress= Increased Desire Sex and stress – are two key elements you hear about all the time, and usually, it’s about how stress negatively impacts sex drive. But for others, it’s about how stress propels them  towards  sex.  The reasons for stress increasing sex drive are several. We all have a way of relating to people in our lives. For some of you, your way of relating to people in times of stress has evolved to create a desire for sexual connection.  This means the more stressed you are, the more passion and arousal you’ll want and can experience.  When you’re in a relationship and going through

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