Yoni Eggs = Healthy Pelvic Floor = Juicy Boudoir Nights


Yoni Eggs = Healthy Pelvic Floor = Juicy Boudoir Nights

A Yoni Egg has been an integral part in helping to rejuvenate, restore, strengthen, and balance my vaginal walls, pelvic floor, and natural wetness. It's also helped me create more self-love and positive shifts in my life.
Boudoir time has become more fun and pleasurable because I can now incorporate the muscles used to hold my yoni egg while having sex, a win-win for both me and R.
My favorite Yoni Egg to wear is the Nephrite Jade Yoni Egg and the Black Obsidian Yoni Egg.
The Nephrite Jade is the number one yoni egg to own and use as it helps heal the heart and brings you a more loving experience towards yourself so you can share it with others. 
It's great to wear every day as it is gentle in the shifts it brings to you. I recommend it for beginners to expert Yoni eggers.
The Black Obsidian is a powerful yoni egg that must be worn with high regard. It is known for bringing clarity about the truth of your life situation or any change you want. 
It works fast. It's essential to understand what you want and know that it'll show up quickly, and sometimes, fast means a little chaos.
I recommend this egg, especially if you want to shift your life fast. It's generally not a beginner's yoni egg, yet if you understand the above and intend to be open to what the Black Obsidian shows you, you'll wear it with awareness.  

Please click here to shop for  - and begin - your Yoni Egg path.

Many Blessings
-Shannon Marie 
