3 Tips to Keep Your Vagina Supple During Menopause

In doing the math, I started menopause at age forty-six, and since then, I have been on a quest to find, use, and share the best natural products that have helped me and hopefully will help you, too. Over the past five years, I've paid attention to my body, moon cycle, moods, libido, food cravings, and more. I've learned about myself in new ways, becoming more in tune with what I want for exercise and self-care. 

And the thing about menopause I've noticed is that the changes that are happening to your body due to a lower Estrogen level are happening to your vagina as well. Your body slowly loses elasticity, shrinks, shortens, and dryness sets in, and so does all of that happen to your vagina. 

What I've come to realize is that caring for your vagina during menopause is equally as important as taking care of your body during menopause, and when you have a balance between the two is when you can begin to enjoy, experience, immerse yourself in the next phase of your life. 

3 Tips To Keep Your Vagina Supple During Menopause

1.) Wear a Yoni Egg 

There are many a testimonial out there from women who wear Yoni Eggs to help with strengthening and improving the elasticity of their vaginas during the many stages of menopause or after a hysterectomy. 

I wear mine daily; it's helped strengthen my pelvic floor. 

You can't deny that Yoni Eggs have been around for a long time. They can provide your body with a natural way to heal, are here to stay, and are an easy addition to your daily life.  

Click here to shop Yoni Eggs.

2.) Hydrate Your Vagina  

Your vagina needs hydration, especially after a hysterectomy and during any stage of menopause. The best way to hydrate your vagina is with something chemical-free, natural, and done from the inside out. No need for expensive HRT, surgeries, or other drugs. 

Be gentle with your vagina and treat her to something she'll love.   

Click Here to Shop Flower Power® 'She Juicy' Vaginal Moisture Supplement   

3.) Have More Sex

Use it or Lose it. 

The old saying rings true in many ways, and your vagina is no exception; it's a fact that's been studied: having more sex helps keep you and your vagina young. 

Each time you have sex, blood rushes to your entire body, especially your vagina, which keeps it vibrant and supple, giving you the incentive to want more sex so you can continue to experience greater pleasure and bigger orgasms. 

If your libido is low or down due to menopause, here's something to give you a boost.   

Click Here to Shop the Passion Libido Blend


Your vagina goes through stages like the rest of your body. Yet, that doesn't mean you must give in, give up great sex, or allow your vagina to lose its beautiful luster or exceptional functionality. 

Nourish your vagina; research about the three tips above and see where they might take you. 

All three tips are something I can honestly say have helped - and continue to - help me experience fabulous sex, connect with myself on a deeper, intimate sexual level, maintain a healthy and happy vagina during my menopause years, and have one delighted lover to boot. 

I'd love to hear your comments and stories on how these tips have helped you. 


-Shannon Marie
